**ENTRIES FOR PHOTOS IS NOW CLOSED** You can now view Chipping Campden’s Virtual Open Gardens online from 6.00pm on Friday 19th June and it will stay up until Tuesday June 30th.
Please go to: www.campden-support.com/virtual-open-gardens
The Chipping Campden Open Garden Weekend, which should have taken place on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st, has been sadly cancelled due the Coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the Open Gardens Committee will be holding a virtual Open Gardens, and gardeners are invited to send in photos of their gardens in lockdown.
The photos will be displayed on a page on the Chipping Campden Support Hub website for the virtual Chipping Campden Open Gardens 2020. All photos will be anonymous and there are a few points to note:
- Please provide your name with the photos, this won’t be published.
- Photos to be in landscape (wide) format – no pun intended – and submitted as a jpg
- The deadline for submission is 10th June
- Please email you photos to info@campden-support.com
- Photos will be available for viewing from 20th June on campden-support.com
Photos can be wide angle and creative! Bring your imagination to your shots and do credit to your gardening. They don’t have to be the whole garden, it could be close up of your favorite plant or flower, or a bit of your vegetable patch, or your herbaceous border, the artistry of your raspberry canes, a tree or …. you get the idea! Please do get snapping and send in your photos.
The event will be open to all gardeners in Chipping Campden. The committee is suggesting that donations may be made to two charities: Campden Edge and Campden Home Nursing and to reflect the difficult times we are in, to The Chipping Campden Hardship Fund.
We do hope that you will be enthusiastic about supporting this virtual event.