Substantial Legacy Received


The trustees of Campden Home Nursing are delighted to announce that the charity has just received a very substantial legacy.

This was an extraordinary act of generosity and we are very proud that the excellent service provided by our Nursing Team for the last 27 years has been recognised in such a significant way. It means that we can guarantee Campden Home Nursing’s future and all public donations can be spent directly on our nursing services. We have a new strategy in progress to expand our operations and we look forward to bringing you news of further exciting developments and additional services that we will be offering going forward.

Please continue to support us. Make donations, come to our events and volunteer to help us organise and run them. Above all please bring our service to the attention of everyone who needs it. We now can nurse many more people that may need our services and as always, it is free of charge.

Please contact our office on 01386 840505 for more information or if you have any further questions.