This year, Campden Home Nursing will be celebrating its 30th anniversary. The charity will have been nursing in and around the community of Chipping Campden for 30 years, thanks for our founder, Jecca Brook.

We think that’s something to celebrate and we’re therefore holding a 30th Anniversary Pearl Ball at Lapstone Barn on Friday 4th September 2020.

We are seeking the involvement of businesses in and around Chipping Campden and we’re pleased to announce that there are several sponsorship opportunities available. These offer local companies a chance to be associated with a much loved and supported local charity at a high-profile event with a far-reaching audience.

Money raised at the event will be used to help fund our new Cancer Support Centre, which will provide information, support and comfort to those with a recent cancer diagnosis and support through treatment to remission, or through the progression of the illness.

We’d really appreciate your support. As many people know, Campden Home Nursing received a considerable legacy at the end of 2017, and whilst this safeguards the charity for a number of years, we are now doing three times the amount of nursing that we were doing two years ago, as well as offering bereavement counselling and complimentary therapies – all great services for patients in our community but all at additional expense to the charity.

It costs approximately half a million pounds a year to run the charity  and as we enter our 30th year of nursing in the area we look ahead to safeguarding our future and sustainability and for these reasons we need to kick off our fundraising again in 2020 which is why we need your help.

The sponsorship opportunities available are as follows. They will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis.


Pearl Level Sponsorship (available @ £1,000 each)

Sponsors would receive:

  • A banner featuring your name and logo at the front of the stage.
  • Coverage in our newsletter, Reaching Out, which will be published in Spring 2020 and sent out with the Campden Bulletin (2,000 copies) as well as 350 subscribers on-line, plus a free ¼ page advertisement.
  • A free ½ page advertisement in our A5 Ball programme (artwork supplied by you as a png file).
  • Coverage on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds.

Ruby Level Sponsorship (available @ £500 each)

Sponsors would receive:

  • Coverage in our newsletter, Reaching Out, which will be published in Spring 2020 and sent out with the Campden Bulletin (2,000 copies) as well as 350 subscribers on-line.
  • A free ¼ page advert in our A5 Ball programme (artwork supplied by you as a png file).
  • Coverage on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds

Sapphire Level Sponsorship (available @ £250 each)

Sponsors would receive:

  • Your company name and logo on tent cards to be placed on each table.
  • A mention in our newsletter, Reaching Out, which will be published in Spring 2020 and sent out with the Campden Bulletin (2,000 copies) as well as 350 subscribers on-line.
  • A free ¼ page advert in the Ball programme (artwork to be supplied by you as a png file).
  • Mention on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds.

We would welcome your support and would be pleased to speak to you more about these opportunities. Please contact Helen.makaritis@campdenhomenursing.org for more information or to discuss these opportunities in more detail.