What’s On At Jecca’s House

Downstairs at Jecca’s House, there is a large drop in kitchen for initial meetings and chats over tea and cake. An Activity Room is fully stocked with arts and crafts resources. This is a place where support groups can meet and participate in diversional therapies – all part of helping you to live well at Jecca’s House.

We also have a beautiful garden, tended by a group that anyone can join, and a great Men in Sheds facility which meets twice a week. Here is the living well timetable running at the moment.

If you would like to attend any of our sessions, please one of our reception team on: 01386 840505 to discuss.

What’s On?

Bereavement cafe tile

Bereavement Cafe

2nd Monday 2:00pm3:30pm 

Bingo lunch at Jecca's House


Tuesdays 2:30pm-4:00pm

Bingo lunch at Jecca's House


3rd Wednesday 2:00pm-3:30pm

Bereavement cafe tile

Caring Lunch

4th Wednesday 12:30pm-2:00pm 

Bereavement cafe tile

Craft Group

Thursdays 10:00am -12:00pm 

Bingo lunch at Jecca's House

Men in Sheds

Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:30am-12:30pm

Bereavement cafe tile

Gardening Group

Mondays & Fridays 10:30-12:30pm

Bingo lunch at Jecca's House

Bereavement Support Group

Last Friday 10:00am-12:00pm 

Bereavement cafe tile

Movie Afternoon

1st Friday of the month 2:00pm–4:00pm