Following the tragic news on Friday that three local teenagers lost their lives in a road traffic accident, we would like to convey our sincere condolences to family, friends and teachers at Campden High School, where the students were at school. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the fourth student, who sustained serious injuries in the crash as well as the mother and two children who were in the other car.
As your local charity we offer our love and support to our community, the school staff, the emergency services that were at the scene and all those who knew the teenagers. Our bereavement service is here to provide help, if and when the time is right. The school and the local services are doing a superb job of supporting students and their families, so our offer is hand in hand with that support. Our bereavement counsellors can offer support to those aged 12 and over, and younger children can access our Play Therapy. All services are free of charge.
Please get in touch if you would like to arrange an initial telephone call with one of our counsellors on: 01386 840505 or email: